Event Logo Image

Presenting Sponsor $15,000 *SOLD OUT!
*Prominent placement on all event and marketing materials indicating sponsorship level
Priority seating for sponsor and guests
Logoed promotional item (to be provided by Presenting Sponsor) distributed to all guests
Complimentary dessert with company logo for Presenting Sponsor table
Logo on: CASA El Dorado's webpage, event webpage and social media recognition
Verbal recognition by presenting emcee (minimum 5 times)
*Full-page advertisement in Gala program
*Listing in CASA Annual Report
Reserved Table for 10

Inspire Sponsor $5,000
*Logo on: CASA El Dorado's webpage, event webpage and social media recognition
*Verbal recognition by presenting emcee (minimum 3 times)
*1/2 page advertisement in Gala program
*Listing in CASA Annual Report
*Complimentary 6 tickets to event

Togetherness Sponsor $2,500
*Logo on: CASA El Dorado's webpage, event webpage and social media recognition
*Verbal recognition by presenting emcee (minimum 2 times)
*1/4 page advertisement in Gala program
*Listing in CASA Annual Report
*Complimentary 2 tickets to event

Advocacy Sponsor $1,000
*Logo on: CASA El Dorado's webpage, event webpage and social media recognition
*Business card size advertisement in Gala program
*Listing in CASA Annual Report

Hope Sponsor $500
*Social media recognition
Listing in Gala program

Every contribution is deeply appreciated. Thank you!

Individual Ticket & table sales will go live in September. 

Sponsorship Opportunities which include Event Tickets
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Presenting Sponsor (SOLD OUT) (10 included) $0.00

Inspire Sponsor (6 included) $0.00

Togetherness Sponsor (2 included) $0.00
Sponsorship Opportunities without Event Tickets
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Advocacy Sponsor $0.00

Hope Sponsor $0.00
Registration opens: Monday, August 5, 2024
Registration closes: Friday, October 11, 2024

I would like to make a direct donation

I authorize CASA El Dorado to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event 2024 Shine Bright Gala. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.